Aquai for Home Owners

Manage your water consumption in one or multiple homes

Gal used YTD
Proactively manage water use in your home
Leaks Detected
Leaks detected and resolved proactively
Gal saved YTD
Water saved Year-To-Date.
A symbol of am emitting signal.A symbol of am emitting signal.
Homeowner and the benefits of managing water proactively

Value for Homeowners or Renters

Save up to 12 % with proactive leak detection and excess water use notifications.  Aquai's App and Reports lets you know if you have a leak in your property and gives you actionable data to fix it. You can also set personal goals to monitor excess water use in places like showers.

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Reducing Monthly Expenses

Aquai monitors each water consuming appliance within your home and reports back consumption real-time, provides maintenance requirements and recommendations to conserve water.

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Protecting your Home

Water damage can be very expensive and take time to repair. Aquai's proactive solution helps you get ahead of a possible leak and resolve it before it causes any damage to your property.

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Proactive Maintenance - Smart Home

Get an instant overview of any maintenance required, down to each room in your house and each water consuming appliance.

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Contributing to a Greener World

More sustainable properties are not only more desirable, but also significantly contribute to a greener world. Here are some of the overall benefits as reported by and

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